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Skin Cancer Treatment Choosing the right practice for your skin cancer treatment

We offer an array of life-changing procedures and treatments.

Dr. Lahijani has an extensive background in reconstructive surgery, and is considered a leading Los Angeles authority in skin cancer repair by his peers and patients alike.

While skin cancer can be devastating physically, psychologically and emotionally – especially when it leaves its mark upon the face or neck – cosmetic surgery offers a transformative solution, restoring the appearance, one's well being, and a positive outlook on life.

Most clients receive a diagnosis from a dermatologist or oncologist prior to working with a plastic surgeon, and this will inform the approach taken during treatment/reconstruction.

There are three types of skin cancers :

  • Basal cell carcinoma – BCC is the most common of skin cancers, responsible for over two million U.S. diagnoses per year. It typically appears as irregular growths in the epidermis that resemble sores or red bumps. The most typical cause is overexposure to UV sun rays; however, BCC can also be passed on genetically. BCC is rarely fatal and does not spread, making it highly treatable if caught early enough.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma – SCC is the second most diagnosed form of skin cancer, with around half a million US cases per year and as many as 8,000 fatalities. Abnormal cells in the epidermis will appear as scaly sores, warts or crusty growths. SCC is also caused by the sun's deadly UV rays or by tanning bed exposure.
  • Malignant melanoma – Deadly and dangerous, melanoma is to blame for around ten thousand US deaths per year. Triggered by UV radiation from the sun or tanning beds, malignant tumors form in the melanocyte cells (pigment-producing cells) and look like dark moles. If melanoma is diagnosed in its early stages, it is curable.

Techniques for removing skin cancers:

Skin cancer treatments vary according to the location, depth and size of the growths and scars, but can include the following approaches:

  • laser treatment
  • radiation treatment
  • freezing
  • scraping/burning
  • excision
  • dermabrasion
  • Mohs surgery/Mohs reconstruction

Mohs surgery and reconstruction:

Named after Dr. Frederic Mohs, its inventor, Mohs surgery is one of the most successful and popular methods of skin cancer removal. During the process, compromised tumor cells are peeled away gradually in layers, with the intent to preserve the greatest amount of healthy skin tissue possible. After an oncologist has completed the Mohs removal process, it is at that point that a plastic surgeon can typically step in to repair the damage left in the wake of the excised tumors.

Mohs reconstruction is a highly delicate and detailed procedure, requiring a meticulous eye and steady hand. In most cases it is performed in stages, mimicking the body's natural healing process. Clients receive local anesthesia with sedation, and can expect to be in surgery for anywhere between 1 and 4 hours. Techniques used during Mohs reconstruction include skin grafting, the harvest of donor cells, and the creation of skin flaps, as well as the manipulation and adjustment of bone, cartilage, muscle and skin.

Schedule a Consultation

With four convenient office suites to choose from in Beverly Hills, Palmdale, Upland and Valencia, clients seeking rejuvenation can find the perfect location to suit their busy lifestyle. During your consultation, Dr. Lahijani will examine you, take down your medical history, review before and after photos, and create a personalized treatment plan customized to your body. If you are looking for a full body contouring makeover, the doctor can also give you information about additional procedures at this time, as one major benefit of combining treatments is less overall downtime for the patient.

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Beverly Hills

8654 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone - (310) 574-2657
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23823 Valencia Boulevard, Suite 150
Valencia, CA 91355
Phone - (310) 574-2657
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1113 Alta Ave #105
Upland, CA 91786
Phone - (310) 574-2657
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379 West Central Ave. Suite C
Brea, CA 92821
Phone - (310) 574-2657
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