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Rhinoplasty Find a nose that suits your face

Bringing balance, beauty and refinement to the nose while improving functionality

The goal of rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is not to achieve the 'perfect nose', but to harmonize the central feature of the face so that it blends seamlessly with the whole, directing focus to the eyes and the smile. An overly large, long or bulbous nose can be a source of inhibition and social anxiety, especially in our highly image-oriented culture where being photogenic is considered a given. If you are unhappy with your nose for any reason, a rhinoplasty may be an excellent solution for your needs.

A good candidate for rhinoplasty

  • Is healthy, both mentally and physically
  • Has reasonable expectations for improvement rather than perfection
  • Wishes to correct the appearance of the nose's bridge, tip or nostrils
  • Has functional breathing problems such as a deviated septum
  • Desires a naturally-looking result that suits their face

Details of the rhinoplasty procedure

Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and generally takes 1-2 hours. During the procedure, the doctor will refine the nasal bone and cartilage, utilize nasal grafts if necessary, and correct any functional issues that inhibit airflow.

Before & After

Open vs. closed rhinoplasty

Many clients ask about the difference between open and closed rhinoplasty. The open approach involves creating a small incision between the nostrils (at the columella), which allows the surgeon to lift the skin up over the nose, supplying free and unfettered access to the entire nasal structure. The open approach is ideal for more complex surgeries, especially those where the tip and hump both require significant improvement.

With closed rhinoplasty, also referred to as an endonasal nose job, the incisions are made within the nostrils, resulting in completely hidden scars after surgery. Closed rhinoplasty has a faster recovery time, and is better suited for nose jobs in which the tip does not require significant correction.

How can I choose the best rhinoplasty surgeon for my needs?

While rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed, the skill required to create an elegant, aesthetically beautiful and functionally secure outcome is considerable. The ideal surgeon possesses a sophisticated sense of anatomical design, a sharp eye for detail, and an intuitive understanding of cultural nuances. Dr. Lahijani trained with elite plastic surgeons not just in the US, but across the globe, enriching his perspective and earning his reputation as among the best rhinoplasty specialists in Los Angeles.

Dr. Lahijani is keenly aware that not all clients desire a 'Westernized' look to their nose, and while he is proficient at Caucasian rhinoplasty, he also excels at ethnic, Middle Eastern, Asian and African American nose jobs. He is also cognizant that no patient wishes to receive a 'signature' nose job that resembles all the other rhinoplasties by the same physician. Instead, he approaches each new client as a unique individual, taking great care to create a balanced, well-proportioned nose that fits naturally with the rest of the features.

What is my first step?

Dr. Lahijani will meet with you for a confidential consultation at a location most convenient to you, either in Beverly Hills, Palmdale or Valencia. During this meeting, he will examine your nose, review your medical records and previous cosmetic procedures, if any, answer your questions, and chat with you about your goals. Our advanced 3D imaging software, along with our vast library of before and after photos, can greatly assist you in previewing your results before moving forward. You are also welcome to bring photos of your own to the consultation - anything that will help the doctor to get a better sense of your desired outcome.

Schedule a Consultation

With four convenient office suites to choose from in Beverly Hills, Palmdale, Upland and Valencia, clients seeking rejuvenation can find the perfect location to suit their busy lifestyle. During your consultation, Dr. Lahijani will examine you, take down your medical history, review before and after photos, and create a personalized treatment plan customized to your body. If you are looking for a full body contouring makeover, the doctor can also give you information about additional procedures at this time, as one major benefit of combining treatments is less overall downtime for the patient.

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Beverly Hills

8654 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone - (310) 574-2657
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23823 Valencia Boulevard, Suite 150
Valencia, CA 91355
Phone - (310) 574-2657
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1113 Alta Ave #105
Upland, CA 91786
Phone - (310) 574-2657
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379 West Central Ave. Suite C
Brea, CA 92821
Phone - (310) 574-2657
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